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Non-surgical rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

A liquid rhinoplasty (also called a non-surgical rhinoplasty or non-surgical “nose job”) is a non-invasive alternative to rhinoplasty surgery that is performed with injections.
The procedure takes about 30 minutes and can be done in the office with topical anaesthesia. The results are visible immediately after the procedure, and there is essentially no downtime. A liquid rhinoplasty can be a fantastic procedure that is a fraction of the cost, and carries almost no downtime, as compared to a surgical rhinoplasty, as long as your goals are in line with what the procedure can accomplish


What can a Liquid Rhinoplasty accomplish?

1. Build up the bridge of your nose. If you have a flat, or depressed, nasal bridge, a liquid rhinoplasty may be a great option. A flat bridge can be a result of an accident, broken nasal bones, previous rhinoplasty surgery, or simply genetic. A small amount of precisely-placed soft tissue filler, like Juvederm, Restylane or Radiesse, can make a tremendous difference to your profile if you have a flattened bridge regardless of the cause, and can save you quite a bit of money and time as compared to having a surgical procedure.
2. Make a crooked nose appear straighter. If your nose is crooked, a liquid rhinoplasty may do the trick. This liquid procedure is much more difficult than building up a flat bridge, so make sure that your doctor has a lot of experience with liquid rhinoplasty before signing up. As with any non-surgical procedure, a liquid rhinoplasty for a crooked nose has its limits, so if your nose is extremely crooked, this may or may not be a good option for you. For the average nose it can be an excellent alternative to a very complex straightening surgery.
3. Improve your profile by hiding a dorsal hump. A large dorsal hump can definitely detract from the profile view of anyone’s nose, and this is an area where liquid rhinoplasty shines as an alternative to surgical rhinoplasty. By building up the bridge and the area between the tip and the hump, the hump can effectively be blended in with the rest of the nose making it much less noticeable. This can also lessen the appearance of a hooked nose that can happen with a large dorsal hump, and make the nose appear straighter and lifted in profile.
4. Improve the results of a previous rhinoplasty. Surgical rhinoplasty can sometimes lead to very tiny lumps or bumps or to slight asymmetries between the two halves of the nose. Along those lines, dorsal humps are sometimes inadequately reduced after surgery. If the problem is slight, a liquid rhinoplasty can be an excellent way to improve the result without the cost or risk of another surgery. This is one of the best indications for a non-surgical approach.


What are the limitations of a Liquid Rhinoplasty?

1. It cannot make a crooked nose perfectly straight. Remember, a non-surgical rhinoplasty is only disguising the features of your nose that make it appear crooked. It is not actually fixing any of those features, so the result will never be as good as a surgical procedure. If your nose is extremely crooked, it can still be improved with a liquid rhinoplasty, but if you’re seeking perfection, you may want to consider a surgical approach at some point. However, there is nothing wrong with trying a liquid rhinoplasty before having surgery in order to see what can be accomplished non-surgically… you may be completely happy with it!
2.  Make a crooked nose appear straighter. If your nose is crooked, a liquid rhinoplasty may do the trick. This liquid procedure is much more difficult than building up a flat bridge, so make sure that your doctor has a lot of experience with liquid rhinoplasty before signing up. As with any non-surgical procedure, a liquid rhinoplasty for a crooked nose has its limits, so if your nose is extremely crooked, this may or may not be a good option for you. For the average nose it can be an excellent alternative to a very complex straightening surgery.
3. It cannot lift the tip. This is a very common misconception about liquid rhinoplasty procedures. Non-surgical rhinoplasty cannot lift a droopy or saggy tip. An experienced liquid rhinoplasty doctor can make it appear as if the tip was lifted in certain circumstances, but no amount of filler will ever lift the tip of your nose if it is drooping. It will only add volume to the tip and by doing this you run the risk of making the tip appear even more droopy and bulbous. If your main problem is a droopy tip, you should talk to your doctor about a surgical approach. If your tip droops when you smile, it may be possible to use a small amount of Botox to relax the muscle that pulls the tip down during smiling. Botox will not lift the tip either, but it can prevent the droop when you smile.
4. It cannot fix breathing problems. A liquid rhinoplasty cannot fix breathing difficulties related to a deviated septum or other internal anatomic problems. Only a surgical rhinoplasty can treat breathing problems.



How does a Liquid Rhinoplasty compare to a surgical rhinoplasty?
1. An non-surgical rhinoplasty  is less expensive. Because a Liquid Rhinoplasty does not require actual surgery or anaesthesia, it is a fraction of the cost of the surgical procedure. 

2. A liquid rhinoplasty has less downtime. There is essentially no downtime with a Liquid Rhinoplasty, and this is one of the main factors why some people will choose the non-surgical option. As with any injectable procedure, minor swelling and/or bruising are always a possibility, but this is not what most people consider “downtime”.

3. A liquid rhinoplasty does not change your anatomy. This may be an advantage or a disadvantage of Liquid Rhinoplasty depending on how you look at it. For those of you who like the idea of not altering your natural anatomy, a non-surgical nose job is obviously the way to go as long as your expectations are in line with what this procedure can accomplish. On the other hand, if you want something more than a non-surgical rhinoplasty can do, or if you simply want a permanent fix, a surgical rhinoplasty may be a better option since it fixes the anatomic problems that are creating the look that you don’t like.

4. A liquid rhinoplasty is temporary. This also may be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on how you look at it. Liquid Rhinoplasties need to be repeated about once every 1-2 years. A temporary procedure can be a big advantage if you want to “test the waters” with a different nose to make sure you like the concept, or if you wind up with a result that you’re not thrilled with… at least it will go away (some fillers can even be reversed). On the flip side, some people may be more comfortable with a single permanent procedure, so for them a surgical rhinoplasty is a better choice.

5. A liquid rhinoplasty is not as effective as a surgical rhinoplasty. If you have a long list of problems that you would like to fix, if you want a permanent or dramatic change in the appearance of your nose, or if you have extremely high expectations for the outcome of the procedure, a liquid rhinoplasty may disappoint you. As we discussed above, a non-surgical rhinoplasty is only a disguise for the anatomic problems that you don’t like… it does not fix those problems. There is a limit to how much a non-surgical rhinoplasty can accomplish, and the results are temporary, so make sure your expectations are in line with the procedure you choose: surgical vs non-surgical.



The filler lasts depending on individual’s body metabolism and lifestyle

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